Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Top Ten Books I Really Liked but Can’t Remember Anything/Much About

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Hello my dear bookworms! How are you today? Today's Top Ten topic is about the books we've read, liked, but that we just cannot remember a whole lot of. And let me tell you, to me, it isn't something all that common, but it still happens sometimes. 

Without further ado, here are Top Ten Books I Really Liked but Can’t Remember Anything/Much About:

  1. Darkness Becomes Her by Kelly Keaton - I read this book in 2013, and other than the main character's connection to Medusa, I don't remember a lot from it. I think there was a guy involved, and maybe Athena made an appearance, and there's something going on with New Orleans,  but other than that I have no idea what went on. I remember I liked the book, and I might do a reread this year.
  2. Girl's Guide To Witchcraft by Mindy Klasky - I know there's a cat involved, and I know there's a a guy who is supposed to either guide or protect the witch or something like that. I do want to read the entire trilogy soon, so I might bump that up on my TBR a little bit.
  3. Maiden of Inverness by Arnette Lamb - When I had my historical romance kick many, many years ago, this was one of the books I read. I have previously read and loved one of Lamb's books, Chieftan, so I decided to try another of her books. Sadly, I don't remember much, except one scene, where the hero does something questionable to make sure the woman he loves leaves him, in order to protect her. That is all. I need to read this book again.
  4. The Shakespeare Curse/Hunt Me Still by Jennifer Lee Carrell - While I didn't like this book as much as the previous one in the series, The Shakespeare Secret, I remember I still quite enjoyed it. Sadly, many details of this book are a complete mystery to me. I think there was something involving Macbeth, and I know Kate and Ben had broken up sometime between books 1 and 2.
  5. Amazon Temple Quest by Katherine Roberts - I love books based on mythology, as you probably know. I think this series was based on the 7 Wonders of the world, and this book is about a young girl and the Amazons and a temple. That is all I know, sadly.
  6. Shadow's Stand by Sarah McCarty - It's been so long since I last read this series, so I don't really remember much about it. I am currently reading the last book of the series and some of the details are slowly coming back to me, but I will be rereading the entire series later on.
  7. The Binding by L. Filloon - This is one of the first books I read after starting my blog. I can't say I remember a lot of this book, except that there was a panther somewhere in this story. I'm planning on reading this book and the rest of the trilogy soon. This year.
  8. On Message by Joyce C. Strand - I was just checking out my review for this book and I am 100% sure I loved this book. Sadly, I can't remember a thing about it. 
  9. Nightwing: Volume 1 by Tim Seeley - I don't remember a lot, except that this story included, at one point, Batman's son, and that it explained that Nightwing was Robin. That is all.
  10. The Truth About Us by Dalene Flannigan - I think there was someone who died in this book. I'm not sure though. I feel like there should be a dark secret involved, but I'm not sure. I should reread this book.
Have you guys read any of these books? Also, what books you liked but you have no clue what they're about? Share in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read any of these, but I often have this problem where I really can't remember the story after a while. All I'm left with is the memory that I absolutely adored the book. But that works for me, and is the reason why I enjoy writing reviews - so I can remember!


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